The best video game stories ever told

The finest and best video game stories ever, from The Last of Us to Her Story

The best video game stories can have even more impact than films or books when they’re done well, and that’s precisely because you're part of it...

6. The Last of Us

The most emotionally layered, big-budget video game there’s ever been. Told with all the narrative ferocity of an indie project, TLOU proves to be a masterclass in single-player pacing.

5. What Remains of Edith Finch

Freed from big-budget story pressures, Edith can be gloriously random whenever it wants. One moment you play as a seal-devouring shark, the next, a fish-butchering factory worker. 

4. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

What. A. Game. The writing is head and shoulders above the average script, while the game systems are impeccably executed and help to further the story.

3. BioShock

Would you kindly... recognize the legacy of BioShock? Far more than its perfectly judged twist, Ken Levine’s genre-defining shooter proves itself a master of background storytelling.

2. Her Story

Each person who plays Her Story will experience the plot differently, because it's told in short videos that you find by searching keywords in a database of police evidence. 

1. Silent Hill 2

There’s a sinister genius to the storytelling in Silent Hill 2. How often do you get to play an entire horror game before discovering you’re the real monster?

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