The best games like Dark Souls

Ready to leave the firelink shrine behind? These are our favorite Soulslike titles

Vanquished every enemy in Lordran? These are the best games like Dark Souls...


An incredible technical showcase for PS5, Bluepoint's exhaustive redux is one of the most accomplished remakes of all time. The game that inspired Dark Souls is still a thing of brutal beauty. 

Available on: PS5


Dark Souls defined the rules of an entire genre until Bloodborne came along and broke the rickety wheel. Its explosive combat encourages constant aggression, while the gothic setting dazzles. 

Available on: PS4


Put down your axe and pick up a samurai sword to take on From Software's latest, a wildly different, extra slashy take on the Souls formula. 

Available on: PC, PS4, Xbox One


Borrowing from Dark Souls with its brutal bosses, soul reclamation and hard but fair combat, Hollow Knight provides a sense of discovery unmatched by its peers. 

Available on: PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch


A deeply inventive game that wears its influences on its sleeve, Titan Souls is basically one giant boss rush mode. Figuring out how to down its monsters provides plenty of eureka moments. 

Available on: PC, PS4, PS Vita


An arthouse take on Dark Souls, Ashen's passive, Journey-esque co-op systems and evocative combat make for a delightfully difficult game. 

Available on: PC, Xbox One

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