The best Star Wars games

The Force is strong with these titles.

Lose yourself in that galaxy, far, far away with the best Star Wars games ever made...

7. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga

This slapstick charmer covers the events of the first six movies, letting you relive everything from the dramatic dual of the fates, to the destruction of the second Death Star.

6. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Few Star Wars games have really embodied the raw power of being a Jedi, but Fallen Order does just that. There's nothing quite using the Force to impale a Stormtrooper.

5. Star Wars: Republic Commando

Star Wars meets Ghost Recon in the oft forgotten but ace Republic Commando. This squad shooter is the best thing ever to come out of Attack of the Clones.

4. Star Wars: The Old Republic

Set thousands of years before the Empire, BioWare's expansive MMO gives players a vast, anicent galaxy to explore, unhindered by Star Wars movie canon.

3. Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast

The ultimate Jedi fantasy. Outcast's precise and brutal laser swords fights capture the electric intentisy of the movies' best duals. They've yet to be improved upon.

2. Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron 2

Gamecube's best launch title is as complete a Star Wars air-combat experience as you could want. Blow up the Death Star and trip up AT-ATs in a truly classic campaign. 

1. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

BioWare delivers one of the most compelling Star Wars stories ever with this masterful RPG. The world-building is first class, the characters a delight, and that twist? Hoo-boy!

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